Taking Notez – Island Pond Consulting

Notes from My Work with Salesforce and Cloud Technologies

Posts Tagged ‘RAD

Tip: Rational Application Developer & Portal Home Page

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You might be using a development server where another team has implemented a page hierarchy. You know something is wrong when you try to run your portlet application on the server and the pages used by Rational to display the portlet aren’t available.

What happened? In all likelihood the original label named Home has been deleted. This isn’t a bad thing but Rational expects to find a page whose unique name was associated with that label. To fix the problem choose a location in the page hierarchy such as a top node in your custom hierarchy and create a sibling (or a child) and provide ibm.portal.Home as the unique name. This, of course, assumes you don’t already have a node with such a name. Furthermore, if you do have such a node, then there is another problem than the one this tip assumes.

Now, when you attempt to run your portlet application on the server, the tool can create a child of the predefined node and launch the page that displays your portlet.

Written by David Wilkerson

April 24, 2012 at 6:23 pm